Monthly Archives: June 2014

Show Notes: Episode 75

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!

Show Notes: “School’s Out…”

♥ Sock it to Summer is still on-going until 31 August, 2014. You have plenty of time to join us in the Ravelry group and enter finished pairs of socks for prizes!
♥ Lamby Toes’ opening was amazingly successful! Thank you, all, for helping make it such an exciting occasion! The shop will be on vacation while I’m out of town.

♥ June Personal Sock Club

Spinning A Yarn:
♥ MoonRover January 2014 club colorway

Stitcher’s Corner:
♥ Mysterious Halloween Town by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

♥ June 2014 MoonRover Club colorway
♥ This super cute project bag I found on KnitPicks

Show Notes: Episode 74

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on iTunes, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ You can also find the podcast on YouTube if you’d prefer to watch there.  You can also access the feed from Feedburner if you use a different podcast aggregater.

Show Notes: “Best Laid Plans….”

♥ Sock it to Summer is open until 31 August, 2014! Please be sure to join us in the group if you would like to enter for prizes! Pre-existing WIPs are A-OK to enter, and we’re happy to have you!
♥ My shop, Lamby Toes, is set to open around noon Eastern Time on 20 June, 2014. Hope to see you there!

Almost FO:
♥ Tubularity by Martina Behm

♥ Bon*Fiber SW Merino “Storm Clouds”
♥ MoonRover January 2014 Club fiber

Stitcher’s Corner:
♥ Woodland Sampler
♥ Mysterious Halloween Town Sampler starts tomorrow!

Cherry Sheep Button from Tangerine Designs
♥ Fold over labels from MommieMadeIt
♥ Ply Summer 2014 “Twist”
♥ Luscious Merino/Yak/Silk from Shadeyside Fiber

Show Notes: Episode 73

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on iTunes, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ You can also find the podcast on YouTube if you’d prefer to watch there.  You can also access the feed from Feedburner if you use a different podcast aggregater.

Show Notes: “Sloggin’ Along”

♥ SitS 2014 is going strong in the Ravelry group! Please join us there for chatting and prizes!
♥ I have been made aware of the issue with my Feedburner feed and the fact that the podcast is off of iTunes again. I am currently trying to sort this out. Thank you for your patience.

♥ June Personal Sock Club – US size 1 needles. Another Crafty Girl Twinkle Sock “Crona.” Using the stitch pattern from Hermione’s Everyday Socks and plan to use my favorite heel: the Fish Lips Kiss Heel
♥ Tubularity by Martina Behm – I have been taking liberties with this pattern and am thinking of making a much shorter cowl with different button placement.
♥ Hiro by Julia Farwell-Clay was not shown but mentioned

Spinning A Yarn:
Bon*Fiber SW Merino “Storm Clouds” – this is mostly plied up and about ready to be finished. It’s a lot of yardage so far.

Stitcher’s Corner:
♥ Woodland Sampler – I’m still plunking away at my July square

Stash Enhancement:
Sundara Sport Merino Two “Aquamarine”
♥ A top whorl spindle from The Spanish Peacock!

Show Notes: Episode 72

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on iTunes, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ You can also find the podcast on YouTube if you’d prefer to watch there. You can also access the feed from Feedburner if you use a different podcast aggregater.

Show Notes: “Stash Flash!”

♥ “Dashie in the Blender” socks. Shop will be opening soon! Watch for the announcement on my social media sites and the next podcast!
♥ June Personal Sock Club from Another Crafty Girl Twinkle sock base.

Spinning A Yarn:
♥ Hello Yarn April 2014 club colorway is plied up!

Stitcher’s Corner:
♥ Woodland Sampler from Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

Stash Flash!
♥ For the month of June, the ladies at Must Stash Podcast are doing a Stash Flash event. I’ve been wanting to do this for some time, so it was a perfect opportunity to jump in and play along. I’m pretty happy with the overall state of my stash: I just want to better organize my leftovers and reduce my stash to fit comfortably in my bins.

May 2014: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2014:
January: 1,510yds
February: 1,227yds
March: 1,492yds
May: 695yds
Year To Date: 6,375 yds or 3.62 miles



So.  This was the first month of 2014 that I was not productive enough to break the 1,000yd mark for knitting and crocheting.  It’s OK.  It happens.  I had a crazy productive month full of cross stitch, spinning, and other crafty goodness.  Something had to take a hit for that.  The hot months are always unkind to yarn crafts, but I know that once the fall comes around they’ll be my loves again.

I hope your summertime is getting off to a great start, kittens!  What are you working on this month?


Handspun: SW Merino

Handspun: BFL

Handspun: SW Merino

Woodland: April

Woodland: May

Woodland: June