Monthly Archives: January 2017

January 2017: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2017:

 January: 1,065yds
2017 Totals: 1,065yds or 0.61 miles

There is so much to say, kittens, and yet nothing at all it would seem. But let’s talk about the knitting, at least.

Lamby Toes socks knit for my mother out of yarn her late-friend had purchased from me.

Lamby Toes socks knit for my mother out of yarn her late-friend had purchased from me.

January started off with a furious rush of knitting. I managed to knit an entire pair of adult sized anklets–on size 0s/~9.5 SPI–in 5 days. With ends woven in. Then, I knocked out my first sweater project of the year. I finished my East Coast Swing very shortly there after. (Pictures have not been taken yet. I hope to remedy that soon.) By this time, it was exactly mid-month; I was ready for my next cast-on, though I expected to have several projects going the second half of this month. I started a new Manly Maze for myself in some leftover handspun and a SQ of Berroco Vintage I have in Oats that is perfect for a basic knit like this. I started off pretty strong and then…the mess in which the US currently finds itself happened. And now every day is spent using most of my energy trying to figure out what to do and keep up with a constant bombardment of Awfulness each and every day. It has killed my desire to knit. I find myself doing as is my nature to: Retreat inward and until there is a Plan. I did manage to knit the sweater down through the colorwork yoke but had I kept up with the beginning of the month’s pace, I would definitely have another 300-500 yards knit and be nearing the home stretch on the sweater. I find it hard to concentrate on even simple stockinette when so much else is pulling at my attention.

Right now I am trying to find a balance between staying aware of what is going on and being assaulted by it. If I wish to be more active, I need to avoid things that are draining me and pulling me down. I think this will be the focus in February. And hopefully more crafting. (I’m currently setting up to blow my sewing goals for this year out of the water. If I can’t be happy and free, I will at least be cute. Poor attempt at humor. My apologies, kittens. I would rather be free, TBH.)

As part of my monthly wrap up posts, I think I will start checking in on my goals and assessing how I’m doing so far.

Knit 1,000 yards per month : This one is good to go! I am right now track to knit 12,000+ yards this year if I keep up this pace.
Find time to sew, X-stitch, etc: Eh, not so much. I did a little prep to start sewing, but couldn’t find the focus for it. I didn’t even pick up any of my on-going X-stitch projects.
Aim for 8oz out of fiber stash per month: ACCOMPLISHED! But only because I destashed two braids of fiber…not because I actually did any spinning.
Aim for 750 yards out of yarn stash per month: CLOSE! I’m down 630 yards, because I purchased yarn to be knit up into hats. Soon™.

And I think that’s all I will say for today. January passed by so quickly; it’s hard to believe we’re already heading into February tomorrow. How was your month? Did you get more crafting done that usual? Less? Did you find wonderful ways to distract yourself and find some Joy?

Show Notes: Episode 173

This video doesn’t exist

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “The One With All the Inserted Photos”

Snowball Buddies– Susan Claudino
♥ Folded Fabric Star: in Danish, in English.
♥ Lamby Toes socks for my mother from minis her late-friend, Brenda, had purchased. Mentioned: Eskimimi’s sock blocker tutorial.
East Coast Swing by Elizabeth Smith

♥ Garter Strip blanket
Manly Maze from No Sheep for You. (This is an Amazon affiliate link. This means that if you make a purchase after following the link, Amazon will give me a small portion of the sale at no cost to you.)

♥ SucreSucre Miniatures Gingerbread House charm
Mrs. Brown’s Bags project bag.
♥ Malabrigo Silky Merino from Eat.Sleep.Knit! This is to knit 1 or 2 Fierce Feminist hats, designed by my friend, Kiki!

Episode 173: The One With All the Inserted Photos


I’m back, kittens! Today’s episode is a bit on the longer side, with life’s being bananas and all lately. Thank you for spending some of your time catching up with me today! Today’s episode has a few FOs, some WIPs, a new project I plan to cast on before we next talk, and some fun goodies! Show notes can be found on the blog at, and please consider joining the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group!

Ravelry Group:

Show Notes: Episode 172.5

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No real show notes today, kitten. Happy New Year!

♥ 2016’s Yardage Tally Post
♥ 2016’s Stashdown Final Post