Monthly Archives: March 2020

Stash Track 2020: Q1

2020 Stash Tracking

Fiber in: 0.0 oz
Fiber out: 0.0 oz
Ratio out/in: 0
Total fiber stash change: 0

Yarn in: 10,216 yds
Yarn out: 1,725 yds
Ratio out/in: 0.17
Total yarn stash change: +8,491 yds




2020 Totals:

Yarn in:
Yarn out:
Ratio out/in:
Total yarn stash change:


Thanks to a certain Yarnathon and my desire to try and finish this year…a lot of yarn came into the house this quarter. I’ve decided to not feel guilty about it, even though I know I will amass more than I can knit out for the time being. I still have a little over a year in-country and plenty of opportunity to keep working through it. As long as it gets used, I’m happy. And having new yarn to play with has been novel and nice. So. Not a great start to 2020’s stash taming efforts, but I’m not going to let it get me down. Now. To pick the next delicious project I will cast on.

March 2020: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2020:

 January: 1,287 yds
February: 628 yds
March: 231 yds
2020 Totals: 2,146 yds or 1.22 miles



It turns out March was not any better than February. My children were home the entire month and the needles I was knitting on made my sweater an unpleasant chore, so I barely managed to finish that before the end of the day on the 31st. But. It’s done, and I’m hoping that April will bring better projects and hopefully an end to quarantine soon. It will not happen before mid-month, but I might get my quiet sanctuary back before it is done. We’ll see though. People have not been acting as they ought to and now there’s been a flare up here. Stay safe and stay away from others if you’re able to. This virus is no joke.

My only knitting goal for 2020 is to knit something every month, so eh…I managed it. Here’s to an April full of crafts and renewed enthusiasm while spring gets going!

What about you? Did you do much making while quarantining in March?

February 2020: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2020:

 January: 1,287 yds
February: 628 yds
2020 Totals: 1,915 yds or 1.09 miles



February got off to a great start by finishing my Zel Pullover and starting on another super bulky knit that should have been quick, but my knitting enthusiasm sort of petered out after the 20th. We’re currently in South Korea and with the COVID19 precautions, let’s just say that I’m seeing a lot more of my kids than I would prefer right now and it’s making me retreat even harder into reading than I was before. I’m still knitting, just not daily at the moment.

But still.

My only knitting goal for 2020 is to knit something every month, so I think we can safely call that one accomplished. Here’s to a March full of wooly crafts while spring rears its head!

What about you? Did you do much making in this all over the place month of February?