Monthly Archives: November 2020

November 2020: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2020:

 January: 1,287 yds
February: 628 yds
March: 231 yds
April: 923 yds
May: 677 yds
June: 1,756 yds
July: 487 yds
August: 216 yds
September: 105 yds
October: 998 yds
November: 1,163 yds
2020 Totals: 8,471 yds or 4.81 miles

Well, well, well. November turned out to be a very decent month, knit-wise. I managed to finish a finicky cardigan knit in linen, started another Enchanted cardi in a colorway of yarn that wasn’t what I was expecting when I purchased it, and in the final 36 hours of the month, I cast on and completed the contrast toe-caps to my 2020 Advent Socks. Not bad at all for so little crafting mojo.

My only knitting goal for 2020 is to knit something every month: yup. Plenty of it. Check that box off.

What about you, kitten? Did you do much making this month? Is it getting lovely and cool where you are? Is your foliage putting on a show for you, or maybe you’re already having snow? Have you been knitting? Have you maybe tried out a new craft or indulged in a new hobby? I hope you all are well and keeping yourselves safe by wearing your masks, taking extra care when washing your hands, and keeping them off your face.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
