Monthly Archives: October 2018

004: Knitted Rolls

Hi, everyone!

Thank you for spending some of your time catching up with me today! Today’s episode contains knitting FOs, knitting WiPs, an in-progress cross stitch project, an audio podcast recommendation, and some Lamby shop news!

Show notes can be found on the blog at, and please consider joining the Knit Cute Ravelry group!

Ravelry Group:

Music provided by
Music provided by

Pixelland Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Beep by slappy13 on
Licensed under Creative Commons: 0 License


Little Boxy by Joji Locatelli ($6.50 on Ravelry)
I used US size 4 & 3 needles with a mixture of Lamby Toes and Hedgehog Fibres yarns
10 Stitch Blanket, Block #8
▲ Canyonlands by Nim Teasdale ($5.00 on Ravelry)

▲ 10 Stitch Blanket, Block #9
▲ 06 of 08 Socks in Must Stash Yarn

Into the Jungle by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

Media Recommendation:
Dr. Death – This story is… wild.

Lamby News:
▲ There will be a bag upload in the shop on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 7pm Eastern US time.

Stashdown 2018: Q3


It’s time once again to look at my 2018 Stashdown progress; where has this year gone?!

Let’s start with my yarn stash. My green streak has finally been broken: I bought some yarn for a sweater this quarter that I was not able to knit out of stash (plus during Tour de Fleece, while I did not spin a ton, I did spin in a fair amount of yardage). I did knit quite a bit over the summer, but I didn’t finish quite as many projects as I would have needed to in order to negate it. It happens.  July and August were slow months, and September’s finishes were fairly small. So whatever; I am fine with that number for the quarter.  As long as Q4 is stash neutral or even a little green, I will have had an amazing year for using up and rehoming extra yarn. It would take quite a bit of effort to not beat 2017’s -120 yards of stash.

My fiber stash numbers are still OK. I did spin out 3 braids during TdF, but I also rejoined the Hello Yarn fiber club (Have you seen the new club structure? The first entire year is birds!), so I will have a little bit of fiber coming in every month that I need to push back against. When I am spinning, I love to spin, but if I am not careful I can get consumed by it and not do other crafts. I hope as the weather cools a bit I can dedicate the time to spin at least a few hours a week. I miss being in the habit. And if I’m not careful, that one braid per month is going to seem like it multiplies.

So all in all, not a bad quarter! I am looking forward to seeing what I manage to work on in Q4.

September 2018: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2018:

 January: 1,679yds
February: 1,069yds
March: 2,377yds
April: 3,370yds
May: 1,139yds
June: 1,389yds
July: 526yds
August: 482yds
September: 1,550yds

2018 Totals: 13,581 yds or 7.72miles


Another month, another yardage tally.

September was certainly more full of knitting than August, despite the continued unseasonal heat. Most of this can be credited to deadline knitting; I decided to knit my daughter a sweater for her birthday. (I did manage to finish on time, but the knit turned out a touch smaller and shorter than expected and would not be worn as long as I had hoped for the work, if at all. So after a lot of deliberation, I ripped out the offending parts and am currently reknitting the top, sleeves, and neckline. I never do this, so it is a Big Deal.) I also completed a handspun shawl which accounts for most of the other yardage.  It was nice to see a number over 1,000 yards again; I was a bit worried that my desire to knit would tank and the year would end on a low note.

I am not sure what October has in store, but I am hoping to square away the sweater re-knit in a few days, knit the last block of my 10-stitch blanket, finish the second sock to a pair I’m slowly working on, maybe start another pair, and hopefully start a new sweater; I recently indulged in a few patterns plus some yarn for one of them, and I would like to at least knit the same amount out of stash. I am not sure how far I will get, since I am also cross-stitching on a deadline; I have a sampler I fell behind on that I’m planning to give to my nephew for Xmas. (I need to complete 4 squares a month to finish on time at this rate.) So we will see what actually gets done vs. what I hope to work on.

How about you, kitten? What did you work on in September? Were you able to knit even with the heat and nasty weather if you were in the US? Are you engaged in other hobbies at this time? What do you plan to work on in October?