Monthly Archives: December 2023

November 2023: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2023:

 January: 530
February: 293
March: 1087
April: 1102
May: 236
June: 1323
July: 144
August: 231
September: 0
October: 736
November: 454
2023 Totals: 6,136 yds or 3.49 miles

And away goes November.

I continued to pick at the Boxy sweater I’m knitting for my daughter, but I worked on it maybe half of the month and often for not very long. It will continue to be a WIP through December at the least.

In 2023, my only yarny goal is to knit something every month. Yup. Did that.

So. What about you, kitten?  What have you been working? Are you a holiday gift knitter and working on presents for loved ones? Do you have any exciting makes in your future? Are you in a more quiet phase where you aren’t doing yarny things as much?

Take care of yourselves and each other,
