Monthly Archives: August 2015

August 2015: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2015:
January: 968yds
February: 159yds
March: 449yds
April: 1,039 yds
May: 350yds
June: 189yds
July: 174yds
August: 784yds
2015 Totals: 3,573yds or 2.03 miles


While under 800 yards is usually be an amount I would be disappointed in, August was one of the better months for knitting I’ve had in 2015.  Third best, in fact.  I’ve been plagued with low knitting mojo and productivity all year, it seems: socks and knit toys do not yield much yardage for the time put into them.  I should be seeing an upswing in knitted yardage and stash out this final quarter of the year since I’m tackling a large gift-giving project.  We shall see!

Things are still pretty warm here, and I’m dreaming of the fall with its crisp air and chances to start wearing my handknits.  Are you ready, kittens?  Have you been crafty throughout the year and hot months, or are you in a slump too?

Episode 128: Two Pounds

Episode 128: Two Pounds

Today is a fairly quick episode, kittens! I hope you’re having an amazing day and the weather is starting to cool off for you (or heat up if you’re in the southern hemisphere)! There’s quite a bit of chatter in the opening 10 minutes, including a reminder to get your FOs photoed and submitted for Sock it to Summer! It’s hard to believe, but we’re down to the final five days of August! I have a couple of FOs to show, I talk about a WIP that hasn’t been the easiest to get started, some spinning (including a giant skein of freshly finished handspun!), my new spinning plans, and a large quantity of fiber that just came into stash. Thank you so much for spending some of your time with me today! Full show notes can be found on the blog at, and please consider joining the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group!

Show Notes: Episode 128

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “Two Pounds”

♥ There are only five days remaining in Sock it to Summer! Please get those FOs submitted if you want to play along for prizes in the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group!
♥ I will be in Alexandria, VA the evening of September 8th and the full day September 9th. If you see me, say hi!

♥ Melodia by Studio Kallio
♥ Moderne Log Cabin by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne

Spinning A Yarn:
♥ LOOP! batt combo-spin is complete! It came in at 8.7oz and 566 yards of soft 2-ply
♥ I show off my next spin: A sweater-quantity of coordinating MoonRover fibers

Fiber Piggy:
♥ A glorious 1 pound Patchwork Kit from Hello Yarn has arrived at my home. It’s going to be good friends with my other kit.

Show Notes: Episode 127

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “Still Summer”

♥ I’m offering up a prize for Single Skein September! This year it’s being co-hosted by my lovely friends Kate and Beth (and her sister Kari ♥). Play along if you would like to use up some of those single skeins in-stash and have a chance to win some Lamby Toes!

♥ You still have time to enter Sock it to Summer with those finished pairs of socks! So far we have a prize pool of a pattern/s up to $10 on Ravelry and two skeins of yarn with bags. A 4th prize is coming after I decide what it is!



♥ Moderne Log Cabin Blanket
♥ O3 of O8 socks
♥ Will be casting on my Rhinebeck sweater and a worsted weight shawl/scarf in the very near future

Spinning A Yarn:
♥ Working through a combo spin of two lovely LOOP! bumps.

And then I chatted a little bit about some Lamby Toes updates. That’s about it, kittens! I will talk to you next week.

Episode 127: Still Summer

Episode 127: Still Summer

Today is another quick episode, kittens! I talk about some knitting WIPs, a little spinning, and some Lamby business. Things are a little slow right now due to the heat and humidity. Sock it to Summer is winding down; please be sure to get those FOs photo’ed and posted in the FO thread! Thank you for spending some of your time with me today, and please join us in the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group! Full show notes can be found on the blog at

Show Notes: Episode 126



♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “Back on Track”

♥ Moderne Log Cabin Blanket
♥ Ulmus by Kirsten Kapur
♥ O3 of O8 Personal Sock club 2015 in Ladybug Fiber Company sock “Mesa Sunrise”

Spinning A Yarn:
♥ Spun Right Round Polwarth “Bones” – chain-plied
♥ Starting a combo spin of two lovely LOOP! batts

I was asked about making mini-skeins, so I’ve included a short video on a couple of different ways I make them. I hope it helps, and please do not hesitate to ask additional questions if you have them!

Episode 126: Back on Track

Episode 126: Back on Track

It’s a fairly quick one today, kittens.  I have a few WIPs to share with you, a touch of spinning, and a little chat about how I’m going to Rhinebeck this year. At the end of the episode is the promised mini-skein video.  Please feel free to ask me any additional questions! Full show notes can be found on the blog at and there is a Knot A Podcast Ravelry group.  Please feel free to join us.

The Rhinebeck Sweater

Kittens, I had given little thought to Rhinebeck sweater knitting this year since up until a couple of days ago there was no plan for me to attend. (Mr. Knitpicky will be training [again] and coming back about 2 days too late for me to go to the festival. BOO.) But when chatting with my mother, she was open to the idea of coming to see her grandbabies this fall and felt comfortable holding down Chez Knitpicky for a weekend. After scoring a hotel room it was official: this lady is going to Rhinebeck for her second time! This has left me both excited and with a new problem: how does one knit a sweater in time for Rhinebeck when there are so many other things to do?

The answer, to me, seems to be a combination of simplicity and heavier-than-fingering weight gauge for the knit. Had I thought about this months ago, I would have started a more complex colorwork or cabled project in fingering or lace weight and thousands of yards of yarn, but that’s not going to happen. There’s yarn to spin, podcasts to record, yarn to dye, children and dogs to keep alive while the husband is off doing what he does, and holidays to prepare for with a ton of knitting connected to them. That, and I’m trying much harder these days to stick with using yarn I already have and purchasing patterns only as I’m about to use them. So I dug into my Ravelry queue and my stash to see what I could come up with that fits my needs.

These are my top choices based on yarn I have and–other than one exception–I need to just purchase a pattern.

Alicia Plummer’s Nested cardigan is a top contender.

Some of the last Sundara yarn I have purchased has been set aside for this knit, which I find both highly wearable and beautiful. In recent years I have come to accept that when it comes to cardigans I prefer them open, so I have focused on those rather than the more fancy and fussy cardigans I used to lust after knitting. I find the geometric detail on the back a perfect finish for this otherwise simple piece, and I find the subtle contrast color detail on the cuffs and edges a lovely touch.

I would knit it in these colors:

Another highly appealing choice is this cardigan, which I already own the pattern for:

Cedarwood by Alicia Plummer. Sensing a theme here, kittens?

Another pattern by Alicia Plummer featuring an open design and geometric details–this time created by texture rather than colorwork–Cedarwood from Wool People is a top contender. It helps that I even purchased this pattern previously and would have no reason to not cast on immediately. I have a sweater quantity of Berroco Vintage in “Oats” which would work perfectly for this knit.

My final choice is another offering from a Jared Flood publication, but this time from his Brooklyn Tweed line.

Nomad by Norah Gaughan for Brooklyn Tweed

Nomad technically isn’t a sweater but a poncho. Of the three choices it is the most impressive looking with all of the rich texture adorning it. Again, it features strong geometric patterns inspired by older designs which are a love of mine. For this pattern I have a large quantity of Madeline Tosh Pashmina Worsted that I think would work well for it.

Kittens, I have lied to you. I was just perusing Ms. Plummer’s Ravelry patterns and realized I have the yarn necessary for one more of her designs that I find highly appealing.

Campside Cardi by Alicia Plummer.

The Campside Cardi is another swoon-worthy design with its open construction and lovely eyelet details that lean geometric in their feeling. I have the perfect Squoosh DK in stash for this–a warm brown with peachy undertones.

So that’s it. Those are my choices based on what I have in-stash and what I think I can get knit in the ~70 days before Rhinebeck starts. What do you think? Which one would you knit if you were me?

2015 Stashdown: Q1 & Q2




So. It’s been a while since I’ve posted about my Stashdown efforts, eh, kittens?  2015 has found me more busy and with less free time than ever before, and somehow, before I realized it, 7 months of 12 have already passed and I have yet to post anything about this year’s efforts to reduce my stash.  It didn’t help that I decided to further complicate things by tracking my fiber stash at the same time, which I had noticed was starting to multiply like bunnies. Soft, fluffy, amazing little bunnies.

2014 was the first year of stash-tracking that my yardage out was greater than my yardage in for the entire year.  It took 5 years, but I eventually made it.  In terms of yarn, this is certainly holding true for 2015.  In fact, almost all yardage in this year is in the form of handspun–which I’ve added to the tally because it has become such a large part of my crafting life.  Very little of the current numbers are yarn that I purchased, even with some splurges at MDSW in May (although, now that I’m looking at those numbers, they may not be 100% accurate and I have no way to know what was added and what wasn’t…boo).  So overall, I’m feeling quite good about the state of my yarn stash.

My fiber stash, on the other hand, is growing at an even faster rate than I had realized.  In the first two quarters of 2015, I’ve seen a stash increase of 118.8oz….or 7.4lbs of fiber.  A newborn human’s worth of fiber has entered my stash since January, and that is after everything I have spun has been taken into account!  That’s a pretty sobering thought.  So far, Q3 is going much better in this area (even with gift fiber!), and I’m hoping to see the rest of the year ended in the green, chipping away at some of the monstrous gains I had in the first half of the year.  To help aid this effort, I reduced my two monthly fiber clubs down to a single one, and that seems to be helping quite a bit.  Tour de Fleece was another excellent push to get me actually spinning and some of that excess fiber into yarn form to be knit. Q4 will be aided by Spinzilla, which I hope to compete in, whether on a team or as a rogue spinner.

Now, I need to start knitting again.

July 2015: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2015:
January: 968yds
February: 159yds
March: 449yds
April:1,039 yds
2015 Totals: 2,789yds or 1.58 miles


Kittens, it was another low yardage month due to not tracking one of my projects combined with low knitting mojo and time.  My desire to knit usually becomes non-existent in the summer months; that is normal for me.  I’m not sure in the past it’s reached the point that it’s quite as low as it is now.  We’re having a fairly mild summer which leaves me hopeful that the fall chill will soon hit…and with it, I hope to see my knitting mojo return.  I have plans to work on (and hopefully finish!) a shawl this month, as well as to start a new pair of socks, and to work on some other projects too.  I may be able to turn around some of my numbers for the rest of the year.  I am quite curious to see how 2015 will stack up to 2014 when all is said and done.