Monthly Archives: August 2017

Show Notes: Episode 187

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♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “Ch-ch-changes”

♥ Sock it to Summer 2017 is ending the last day of August! You still have time to get those last minute finished socks entered!

♥ O4 of 12 Socks: these are almost finished. They are the longest socks I have ever knit, and I’m getting a bit sick of them.
♥ 10 Stitch Blanket: I am almost done with the third square. I have two more rounds to go then this one is fini!
♥ My daughter picked my next pair of socks for my personal sock club. It’s not looking good for getting through 12 pairs this year, but I’m OK with that.
♥ Next on deck is Threipmuir. If I do not get started soon, I may not finish it in time for New York Sheep and Wool.

Life Chat:
♥ I discussed the last 3 weeks of my life.
♥ I discussed changes that are coming to both the podcast and my shop. I hope it will not be too disappointing to anyone, but I really need a change.

Discussion Topic: “What I wear, vs. what I do not.”

I have discovered that I wear only a small portion of most items I knit which can be disappointing, but I think I’ve honed in on what makes different types of knits wearable for me. I would love to hear what you have learned during your time knitting! Do you wear everything you knit? Have your tastes changed? Let me know in the comments!

Episode 187: Ch-ch-changes


Hi, kittens! Thank you for spending some of your time catching up with me today! Today’s episode has a couple of WIPs, a little Lamby update news, and a few minutes of chatting at the end, including my plans for the future of the podcast and my shop. Show notes can be found on the blog at, and please consider joining the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group!

Ravelry Group:

Pixelland Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Show Notes: Episode 186

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♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “Second Recording”

★ Please remember that Sock it to Summer: the fifth ends 31 August! Get those FOs posted if you have them!

★ O4 of 12 socks
★ 10 Stitch Blanket

★ Future cast-on: Threipmuir by Ysolda Teague

★ Wrapped up Tour de Fleece

Stitcher’s Corner:
★ Stranger Things by Stitchbucket

Today’s Chat Topic: What “kind” of a knitter are you? What is your motivation? Has that stayed the same or evolved over time? Do you think of yourself one way, but you’re actually another? I would love to hear about it!

Episode 186: Second Recording


Hi, kittens! Thank you for spending some of your time catching up with me today! Today’s episode has a couple of knitting WIPs, a Tour de Fleece wrap-up, some Lamby update news, a little cross stitch, and a few minutes of chatting with future possible discussion topics! Show notes can be found on the blog at, and please consider joining the Knot A Podcast Ravelry group!

Ravelry Group:

Music provided by

July 2017: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2017:

 January: 1,065yds
February: 1,075yds
March: 1,659yds
April: 1,453yds
May: 1,595yds
June: 379yds
July: 313yds
2017 Totals: 7,539yds or 4.28 miles

It was another low output month, but I was expecting that given that July is Tour de Fleece time. So I accomplished quite a bit of spinning but not so much knitting outside of two shorter knit dates with a local friend. I did omit a small amount of yardage for this month, but I would rather just tack it into August’s tally instead. It keeps things clean and neat. Those ~30 yards weren’t going to make much of a difference anyway.  Despite this set back, I am still on track to average knitting 1,000 yards of yarn a month; I still have a healthy buffer!

Soon, the weather will cool here, and I will be more inspired to knit larger projects. Not much else to say this month, since I worked on so little. I hope you all have had a lovely summer so far! (But I will admit: I am longing for fall and winter again.)