Monthly Archives: July 2021

June + July 2021: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2021:

 January: 751 yds
February: 1,384 yds
March: 1,748 yds
April:  1,878 yds
May:  1,024 yds
June: —–
July:  2,386 yds
August:  yds
September:  yds
October:  yds
November:  yds
December:  yds
2021 Totals: 9,171 yds or 5.21 miles

Whoops. It was several days into July before I realized I had failed to document my yardage knit for the previous month, and I had been working like a fiend that entire time.


This month, it’s a two month tally.

We all have pandemic brain. That’s the story I’m sticking to. It was strange to realize I had forgotten to do something I’ve been in the habit of for over a decade. But I suppose there’s a first time for everything.

June and July were very productive knitting months, even with Tour de Fleece during that time.

I finished one sweater:


And would have finished a second….had I not run out of yarn:


Cue that sad trombone. I was actually much farther along than this, but this is the last WIP photo I took of it. All I have left to do is 4 sets of shoulder short rows on the back, then seaming the fronts and back together, and then 2 short ribbed “sleeves.” So. Stinkin’. Close.

While I wait on the yarn to finish this sweater—as luck would have it, it’s a discontinued color to boot—I cast on a pair of socks for my husband in the last handspun I made for him back in January 2019. I haven’t made much progress on those yet, so I will save them for August’s wrap-up.

My only knitting goal for 2021 is to knit something every month: I abso-freakin’-lutely knit in both June and July. I had two very productive months which felt amazing. It’s the hottest it’s been since moving here in 2019, but we’re managing to keep the apartment just cool enough that handling wool isn’t off-putting. I’ve really enjoyed knitting sweaters and spinning up new yarn despite it. I’ve switched over to audiobooks to help keep me moving along on both.

And I have plans for my next couple cast ons. We’ll see how it all goes.

What about you, kitten? Are you making anything right now? Did you spin for the Tour? Maybe you’re reading something interesting? I’d love to hear what you’re up to.

Take care of yourselves and each other.
