Monthly Archives: October 2021

October 2021: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2021:

 January: 751 yds
February: 1,384 yds
March: 1,748 yds
April:  1,878 yds
May:  1,024 yds
June: —–
July:  2,386 yds
August: 1,032 yds
September: —–
October:  1,188 yds
November:  yds
December:  yds
2021 Totals: 11,391 yds or 6.47 miles

So. It’s been a while again, kittens.

Apparently knitting, yarny crafts were not meant to happen in September, so there was nothing to blog when October came a callin’. I have since cast on some projects and worked on them.

September was all cross-stitch the entire month. Which is great in it’s own way. I love going with my crafting whims and getting immersed in what makes me happiest at the time.

My only knitting goal for 2021 is to knit something every month: uh, September was a nope, but October was a big Yes! I’ve been rather pleased to see how much yardage has been knit when no real goal was set for the year. It’s finally cooled down enough here to make lighter wool wearing bearable, which always makes me want to knit more, so I expect to work on at least a large project and a couple smaller ones between now and New Year.

What about you, kitten? Are you making anything right now? Have you been safe from The Weather where you are? Have you had the focus and desire to Make anything? Maybe you’re reading something interesting? It’s the end of the year—are you getting your 2022 planner picked out and set up? I’d love to hear what you’re up to!

Take care of yourselves and each other.
