Monthly Archives: April 2018

Stashdown: 2018 Q1



Here we are again: another quarter of a year gone; another Stashdown update post.

Already, things are off to a good start. Fiber is slow to work out, after another quarter of not really feeling like spinning. I tend to be a crafter who can only truly focus on one craft at a time. I wish I were able to flit more from craft to craft and make a little headway in each. That 4/10 of an ounce of fiber worked out was leftover singles from a couple of Moonrover spins I completed last year. It felt nice to get them off the toilet paper rolls I use as bobbins to hold leftovers. My first quarter yarn stash out number was a strong effort, and I hope to continue that trend the rest of the year. Much of that yarn was worked out of stash, but just under half was destashed as a gift to a friend who could use some yarny therapy in their life right now. So I was happy to rehome a bunch. If I can keep up working out yarn at this pace and with very little incoming, I should be able to meet my goal of having all yarn fit back into my bins by the end of the year. I feel pretty confident at the moment that this is an attainable goal, and I feel a sense of relief and accomplishment seeing the spaces open up. It is less overwhelming to look into those bins and see most of what I have at a quick glance instead of having to make a big deal out of fully unpacking everything to see what I have, choosing, and then repacking it all up. I am getting to the point in a few of the bins were I can simply move a skein or two around to see what is underneath and decide from there.  Even my partials bin is reaching a point where it easily closes and almost has some breathing room. It has come a long way from where it was in May of last year and the lid bowed badly when it was shut!

We will see where my crafting desires take me in quarter two, but so far the urge to knit is holding firm. I should be seeing the end of a couple large projects in the next few months: I have a poncho on needles which is gulping down sock weight yarn as fast as I can feed it in, and I hope to get my fingering weight blanket finished up for sure. Between those two projects alone, I should see a stash reduction of 5,000+ yards of fingering weight partials and full skeins.

What about you, kitten? Have you worked on much this year so far? Are you doing something with your free time other than crafting? Do you have plans for the next few months before the weather gets hot? I would love to hear what you’re working on.