Monthly Archives: September 2019

September 2019: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2019:

 January: 695 yds
February: 1,197 yds
March: 182yds
April: 0yds
May: 0yds
June: 0yds
July: 345yds
August: 134yds
September: 510yds

2019 Totals: 3,063 yds or 1.74 miles


So. September went a little better than previous months. I’m still not knitting daily, but I am starting to knit a couple times a week. All of this yardage was worked on a strip of a long-term WIP scrap blanket I started back in 2011. I realized it’s almost wide enough to finish up, and I think that will be a goal in the next 6 months. I think 1 more narrow-ish strip, plus some kind of a border to tie it all together should do it. I wasn’t entirely sure why I brought this project to Korea with me, since I decided to leave all of my scraps assigned to this project back in storage in the US. Whoops? But if I work on a couple of the projects I bagged to work on while I’m here, I will have enough yarn to knit another strip of some size and in the near future. It should all work out.

It was another pretty warm month here, and very humid so wool isn’t desirable to touch. Did you work on anything, kitten? Any interesting projects you want to share?

Stashdown 2019: Q1 + Q2

No graphic for this post as of yet, kittens. You’re not missing much.

As you could see in my last monthly wrap-up post, I have not been knitting, spinning, or crafting much since February of this year. This also means I have not been making many–OK, any–craft purchases during that time. An overseas move while your husband is in a school many states away will do that, it turns out. Reading was a much easier past time to indulge in.

So what does this mean for Stashdown 2019?

Fiber in-16.0oz
Fiber out- 4.9oz
Ratio out/in- .31
Total fiber stash change: +11.1oz

Yarn in-475yds
Yarn out-4,881yds
Ratio out/in: 10.28
Total yarn stash change: -4,406yds

Nothing but 0s all around in all categories. Exciting, right? 

I am not optimistic that there will be any data for Q3, given that September is the only month remaining and I am working on a long term project that will not affect any of my numbers. It will be a thrilling entry to read.

How have you been doing, kitten? Did you make any goals to track your stash? How are you doing so far on that goal?

August 2019: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2019:

 January: 695 yds
February: 1,197 yds
March: 182yds
April: 0yds
May: 0yds
June: 0yds
July: 345yds
August: 134yds

2019 Totals: 2,553 yds or 1.45 miles


I liiiiiive.

But I haven’t really been knitting during my time away. The move was more involved than I thought it would be, and I turned to insatiable smut-reading as my comfort during that time. (Seriously. 2+ books a day. Most of it is tracked on my GoodReads account; I’m not owning up to all of it. Some things are best kept to ourselves, yes?) I am slowly easing back into crafting and hope to re-enter those respective worlds soon.

I hope you all had a lovely spring and summer, kittens. What have you been working on?