Monthly Archives: January 2018

Stashdown 2017: Q4 + Totals

All in all, a pretty good year!

Hello once again, kittens! I know I’m a few days late on this post, but I could not seem to find the time to get my final graphic made and sit at the computer to type things out.

I am pretty pleased with those numbers! Even though my stash reductions were not quite as amazing as I had hoped…they are still heading in the desired direction. I will take a stash maintenance in the yarn category and a 3.4lb loss in the fiber category any day rather than more increases. So I call that a successful year of more mindful stashing! And I *could* have had some actual stash reduction, but anyone who has followed my monthly yardage tallies knows that I had a serious knitting slump from June through November of this year. Knitting next-to-nothing does not make for great amounts of yarn usage: who could have guessed? So this “small” victory feels much bigger because of that fact.

I started off 2017 with 538.9oz of fiber in stash (a whopping 33.7lbs of fluff!) and ended it with 484.2oz (a more healthy 30.3lb); this is a 10% reduction in size. Sounds good to me! A sizable portion of this year’s reduction did come through destashing rather than spinning; spinning was just not my jam this year. I’m not sure why, as when I was spinning, I very much enjoyed it. Maybe because when I’m spinning I am making more yarn, this didn’t sit as well with me when I wasn’t knitting much of anything? I’m hoping to reach a point where I can spin as much as I desire to and knit at a rate that it doesn’t cause any significant stash growth. I’m currently not there. I hope to continue at least this pace of fiber stash reduction in 2018: it would get me below 450oz of in-stash fiber. (And I think it may be enough to finally contain all of my stash in a single unit, which is my main objective? Possibly not quite, but it should be close!)

Since my yarn stash was basically a wash, there isn’t much to say about that. I brought in a lot of yarn to work on one of my blankets, as well as a sweater quantity during ESK’s BFS. I hope to get both of the projects finished this year, so 2018 might have a more impressive reduction. At this point in time, there is nothing at all I need to purchase yarn for, so I think I’m set to get some serious knitting/crafting in! The weather certainly supports it with how dreadful it is outside.

So how about you, kitten? Did you have any goals about yarn/fiber/craft supply usage? Did you manage to meet it? Or did you learn some interesting lessons and insights about yourself instead? (Which I still count as a win.)

Show Notes: Episode 191

This video doesn’t exist

♥ Please come join us in the Ravelry group!
♥ The podcast is now on YouTube, if you prefer to watch there. Please remember to give my videos a thumbs up and do the same for other podcasts you enjoy!
♥ If you like speckle-y sock yarn, you might want to check out my Etsy

Show Notes: “2017 Wrap Up + Farewell, KAP”

It’s a long one today, kittens. Buckle up, grab a drink, and enjoy!

Pixel Rise Socks 
Lady Marple
Never Not Gnoming
Northwest Elf

♥ Mentioned: Wilson Bickford-paintings/art instructor
Falala Llama by Andwabisabi
Joyful Noise sock yarn from Knitterly Things
Jerry Roupe Scandinavian Fairy Cross Stitch Craft Book

I talked all about my 2017 goals, how I did on them, and what my plans for 2018 are. If you want to watch the entire video, I have snippets of “Vlogmas” videos I took during the month of December and my 2017 Stash Toss at the end.

Episode 191: 2017 Wrap Up + Farewell, KAP


Kittens, thank you so much for 5 years of Knot A Podcast! I will be back later this winter with a new podcast; think of it as Regenerating.

Today’s episode is a long one…full of FOs, Crafty acquisitions, my 2017 yearly wrap up, my 2018 crafty aspirations, my silly attempt at Vlogmas, and I tossed my stash for you all to see. Have a lovely 2018! I will be back to talk with you all soon.

December 2017: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2017:

 January: 1,065yds
February: 1,075yds
March: 1,659yds
April: 1,453yds
May: 1,595yds
June: 379yds
July: 313yds
August: 646yds
September: 373yds
October: 774yds
November: 469yds
December: 1,692yds
2017 Totals: 11,493 yds or 6.53 miles



Ooh. I was so close, kittens. I could almost taste that victory.

December’s effort was valiant (my personal best month of 2017), but it wasn’t quite enough to make that 12,000 yards knit for the year goal I made. I am really pleased with how this effort went, and I’m hoping to complete the same challenge in 2018. No reason to beat myself up: no one can predict when a knitting slump will strike. On to better things, yes? ^_^

Did you make any goals for 2017? Did you achieve them, or, like me, did you hit some bumps?