Monthly Archives: August 2018

July 2018: Wrap-Up

Yardage Totals 2018:

 January: 1,679yds
February: 1,069yds
March: 2,377yds
April: 3,370yds
May: 1,139yds
June: 1,389yds
July: 526yds
2018 Totals: 11,549 yds or 6.56 miles

I knew a slow down would happen sometime over the summer, and it is now here. Hotter-than-average temperatures, Tour de Fleece, and lots of travel in July all took a toll on how much I knit, but I’m quite pleased that I still managed so much with so little time and desire. I suspect August will be a nearly equal low knitting month, as our temperatures are not expected to break anytime soon. I am hoping to break 2018’s yardage goal of 12,000 yards next month, so we’ll see what happens!

What about you? Did you knit much in July, or do you switch to other crafts during the sticky summer months?